Distilling - water
Map water usage
Identify / measure quantity and quality of water requirement at each point of use
Locate drains and measure or calculate “average” flows
- Drains: surface water, foul water (domestic sewage) or trade effluent Identify / measure quantity and quality of water requirement at each point of discharge
- On identification colour code the drains
- Enables personnel to know drain types
Thus produce a WATER MAP (mass balance) of usage, type (hot, cold or drainage) and quality over the site
May be validated by comparison of total water in versus total water out over a long period (say 12 months)
- 10% error acceptable, investigate if error more than 20%
- does the balance suggest leaks? Locating Leaks
NOTE: improvements to domestic (i.e. offices, lavatories) water usage are not considered on this site typically comprises less than 2% of total usage