Brewing - energy
Require efficiency value of over 75% based on gross calorific value of fuel:
- Measured after running for at least one hour on steady load
- If not over 75% prioritise boiler for improvements
- Identify performance trends through the keeping of logbooks
- Include water treatment factors in logs
If capital equipment required look for opportunities for tax breaks
Boiler more than 15 years old will be less efficient than a modern boiler
- due to improved construction, heat transfer and insulation
- also may be more suitably designed for process as now is
Efficiency less than 75%? Consider:
- fuel completely combusted or too much combustion air?
- radiation losses from shell excessive?
- insulation not optimal
- radiation losses may be measured while boiler is hot and on stand-by
Blowdown losses excessive?
- check water treatment log books
- if confirmed clean tubes as per manufacturer’s instructions
- mechanically usually or chemically if needed
An economiser
Preheating combustion air