Brewing - water
Map water usage
Identify / measure quantity and quality of water requirement at each point of use
Locate drains and measure or calculate “average” flows
- Drains: surface water, foul water (domestic sewage) or trade effluent Identify / measure quantity and quality of water requirement at each point of discharge
- On identification colour code the drains
- Enables personnel to know drain types
Thus produce a WATER MAP (mass balance) of usage, type (hot, cold or drainage) and quality over the site
May be validated by comparison of total water in versus total water out over a long period (say 12 months)
- 10% error acceptable, investigate if error more than 20%
- does the balance suggest leaks? Locating Leaks
NOTE: improvements to domestic (i.e. offices, lavatories) water usage are not considered on this site typically comprises less than 2% of total usage
Case study: Flensburger water monitoring system
Flensburger has installed a water monitoring system. In a large brewery areas of low importance may go suspended periods without being inspected. This was the case with Flensburger’s effluent outflow pipes. A water monitoring system which was installed allowed for pinpointing problems as soon as they occur and significant savings were made.
Sauer, W. 2011. Energy Monitoring in the Flensburger Brewery. Brauwelt, 151(1/2), 32-34.