Food safety management systems
Food safety management systems are plans that help to manage food safety as well as identify and control risks and hazards. Below is a collection of articles on food safety management systems. To find out more about food safety management systems get in touch –

Safety and quality Culture Excellence seminar - celebrating 10 years!
This event will provide an update on developments in the world of food safety, quality, health and safety and environmental sustainability culture

Further strengthening our thermal processing service offerings
See how we have strengthened our thermal processing service with a wide range of support available around process optimisation and cycle development.

Culture Excellence seminar 2024
See what we do to promote and support a strong, positive culture of food safety and quality at our ‘Culture Excellence’ seminar.

Insights from our Food Safety Risk Management seminar
See how we can support those with greatest responsibility for managing food safety risks, through topical updates from industry experts and networking opport...

Highlights from our ‘Hot topics in food microbiology’ event
See how we support the food microbiology sector, offer topical updates from industry experts and provide networking opportunities at our ‘food microbiology’ ...

Key insights from our SafePlate 2024 event
Read how we support the thermal processing industry, offer guidance with topical presentations from experts and networking opportunities at our SafePlate event

Our research journey to date – supporting the food and drink industry for more than 100 years
Research activities of the ‘Campden Experimental Factory’ and its subsequent iterations, what we do for the food and drink industry now, and how our latest r...

What you need to know about kiwifruit and other emerging elicitors of food allergy
Like for many crops, the use of kiwifruit is growing and changing across a range of food streams. This research shines a light on what food business operator...

The allergenicity of edible algae – implications for food business operators
Food business operators need to be aware of seaweed and algal derived products as potential sources of food allergens in their food chains, and what to do to...

Evaluating the food information, labelling and unintended food allergen presence of imported prepacked foods and drinks purchased online
Frequent food and drink product recalls occur globally due to incorrect labelling of food allergens.

An independent food integrity review for 2 Sisters Food Group
The output of the work by 2 Sisters Food Group is a robust process for ensuring food integrity, for which the team have the peace of mind that it has been in...

How to win the fight against food crime
Our food crime, member-only event focussed on the latest information and thinking on identifying and dealing with the threat of food fraud. This white paper ...

Control measures for tackling food fraud
Even though fraudsters continue to come up with new ways to both commit food fraud and evade detection, there are strategies that you can employ to protect y...

Lessons learnt from previous food fraud incidents
Even if control measures appear robust, food business operators must not be complacent against the threat of food fraud.

Optimising food allergen management – through risk management and risk communication
This white paper is structured into these four key sections and summarises some of the key insights and updates shared during our ‘Optimising food allergen m...

Beating food crime: download our FREE eBook
Food crime is a significant threat to any food or drink business operator, with many associated food safety risks.

How to defend your business against food fraud
Food fraud is a significant threat to any food or drink business operator and there are many food associated safety risks. Plus food fraud can have huge repu...

5 drivers impacting global food safety
As the transformation in the way we produce, distribute and consume food continues, there is a need for effective and proactive food safety management that k...

The importance of TACCP
Richard Leathers, Global Quality Lead covers the importance and key features of TACCP – needed to protect your food business from food fraud and deliberate a...

Agility for overcoming supply chain disruption
How to build resilience against supply chain challenges and threats, including the importance of having an agile and holistic food safety management system i...

Four ways to build supply chain resilience
Supply chain resilience enables businesses to protect themselves from negative impacts of supply chain threats, and thrive in an ever-changing environment. T...

Supply chain assurance, traceability, and raw material risk assessments
The importance of supply chain assurance, traceability and raw material risk assessments for ensuring resilience against supply chain threats.

Positive food safety culture and supply chain resilience
The importance and benefits of a positive food safety culture, including with particular reference to supply chain resilience.

BRCGS Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 9: most common non-conformances
Our thoughts on the most common non-conformances raised since audits against Issue 9 began in February.

Asking our network about their food allergen cross-contact concerns
We asked our LinkedIn network for feedback on allergen cross-contact via a number of poll questions about their concerns in this area.

Kayser space cellular agriculture in space feasibility study
All about our exciting work with Kayser Space and Cellular Agriculture Ltd on a European Space Agency project to explore the cultivation of meat for space mi...

Food allergen management: what you need to know about the Codex code of practice
Roughly 3% to 10% of adults and 8% of children worldwide are estimated to have a food allergy. Cases of food-induced anaphylaxis, at times resulting in fatal...

Cultivating meat for space missions
Technology Fellow, Craig Leadley takes us through his exciting work with Kayser Space and Cellular Agriculture Ltd on a European Space Agency project to expl...

Four sources of food allergen cross-contact from throughout the food chain
Allergen cross-contact can occur at every stage of the food chain, from ‘farm to fork’. Among the many sources of risk that food business operators must cons...

Codex 2020 general principles of food hygiene - principle 6 – validate the HACCP and then establish procedures for verification
Our experts talk through how to align to standards and best practice by validating your HACCP plan and establishing and implementing procedures for its verif...

Cooking energy and cost rating white paper
Many consumers are considering the cost of cooking food products at home, as well as which appliances and methods may help them to minimise these costs.

Using our manufacturing best practice service to support your certification
Hear from Richard Leathers about two very different factories to which he has provided Manufacturing Best Practice support to help the teams gain new certifi...

Process validations for non-thermal and new technologies – have you validated the worst case?
We have explored factors outside those commonly considered in process validations, and found significant and substantial effects on the log reductions achiev...

BRCGS Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 9: a guide to key changes
This short guide will help you to understand the key changes that have been made and how they will affect your business.

Heating characteristics of domestic air fryers – technical challenges affecting cooking instruction validation
The detail and data from our study of air fryer cooking performance across a range of models, types and cavity sizes. In this white paper, we explore the imp...

What will 2023 bring for the food and drink industry?
What food and drink industry trends and threats are you preparing for as we head into the coming year? How will you and your business navigate the challenges...

How resilient is your supply chain?
Campden BRI has a long history of providing specialist advice to the food and drink industry on best practice for ensuring that supply chains remain resilien...

Major milestone for human food made with cultivated animal cells in the United States
The FDA announced that it has completed its first pre-market consultation for a human food from cultivated animal cells. The product, by UPSIDE Foods, is mad...

Want air fryer cooking instructions on pack? Here’s more detail from Greg Hooper, Instruction Services Manager on why this is such a challenge
Despite the popularity and success of air fryers, the variability of cooking performance currently presents a food safety barrier to cooking instruction vali...

Want air fryer cooking instructions on pack? Proceed with caution!
Despite the popularity and success of air fryers, they present a challenge to the industry with respect to on-pack cooking instructions.

Webinar: Quality and food safety management MIG - Autumn 2022
Your Member Interest Groups (MIGs) meetings were online this Autumn. Tuesday 4th October 2022

Reducing Hepatitis E through thermal inactivation
With concern about the level of cooking required to eliminate HEV from potentially contaminated food, Campden BRI have been part of a major Food Standards Ag...

Talking safety and quality Culture Excellence at Campden BRI’s 7th annual seminar
Now in its seventh year, Campden BRI in partnership with TSI, delivered the Safety and Quality Culture Excellence conference to an online audience on the 8 a...

Improving your supply chain resilience
This webinar discusses the latest best practice for ensuring that your supply chain remains resilient when under threat.

Pet foods and the unknown risk to human health
Over the years, the pet food industry has suffered several foods scares resulting in adverse health effects to those owning pets and financial impacts. In th...

Webinar: Quality and food safety management MIG - Spring 2022
Your Member Interest Groups (MIGs) meetings were online this Spring. Thursday 17 March 2022

Ensure product safety through process validation and challenge testing
Food Business Operators must validate their microbial kill steps. When the process does not allow for the use of temperature sensors, or there is a lack of a...

Viral Message: Norovirus causes greatest burden in UK pathogen ranking
Norovirus poses the highest burden on society out of 13 pathogens analysed in the United Kingdom.

Webinar: Quality and food safety management MIG - Autumn 2021
Your Member Interest Groups (MIGs) meetings were online this Autumn. Thursday 18 November 2021.

Cutting down on food waste while maintaining food safety
How can you cut down the food waste in your food business while ensuring food safety? Find out with these tips from our experts.

DoH Guidelines update – safe manufacture of heat preserved foods
Since its publication, the standard has become a staple reference for many businesses across the globe due to its handy, informative nature. A lot has change...

Visualising HACCP with BowTie barrier risk management - part 1
What is bowtie method and why this risk assessment tool should be used by any business involved in the food and drink industry.

Visualising HACCP with BowTie barrier risk management - part 2
More details how to build a BowTie diagram to assess risk in your business .

Visualising HACCP with BowTie barrier risk management - part 3
How different management systems can be linked to your bowtie diagram and how bowtie diagrams help promote relevant organisational improvements.

Talking safety and quality Culture Excellence at Campden BRI’s 6th Annual Seminar
‘Culture’ is the “shared values, beliefs and norms that affect mind-set and behaviour toward food safety.

How to take an environmental swab to detect the virus that causes COVID-19
This video demonstrates how to take an environmental swab on frequently touched surfaces to detect the virus that causes COVID-19.

Revised food safety guideline
Phil Voysey discusses the importance of a guideline on cleaning and disinfecting food factories, and the approaches taken to update one already in circulation.

Decontaminating with UV-C light? Here’s what you need to know
As businesses look for new ways to combat the virus that causes COVID-19, the application of ultraviolet light has seen an incredible uptake.

5 things to consider before validating your thermal processes during COVID-19
It’s essential that your thermal processes are validated correctly. Find out from our expert what you need to consider before validating your thermal processes.

Remote auditing to help you manage risk
This webinar describes how remote auditing works, how you can prepare for it and how to ensure compliance with food safety systems.

Remote auditing to help you manage risk during the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 has created global issues that have dramatically impacted food business operators.

Talking safety and quality Culture Excellence at Campden BRI’s 5th annual seminar
In any organisation, at every level the people are the critical component. Behaviours, beliefs, attitudes, competencies and personal values can all have an i...

Next generation methods for microbiological and chemical food safety
The project will assess next generation technologies in microbiological and chemical analysis.

Blockchain and emerging approaches supporting food safety management systems
A blockchain, in simple terms, is a growing list of records (called blocks) that are linked using cryptography.

Blockchain and emerging approaches supporting food safety management systems
This project will investigate different tools, including blockchain, to decide if they are applicable to food safety management and how they can be used. ...

Environmental monitoring – are you complying with BRCGS Issue 6?
Manufacturers of food packaging materials are now required to implement a microbiological environmental monitoring program, where appropriate, based on risk.

Mitigating food fraud - best use of analytical screening tools
This project will use analytical screening approaches to show best practice for preparation and use of authenticity calibration.

5 ways Campden BRI can help you with your thermal process validation
Are you a manufacturer who applies heat to food? If so, it’s likely you’re applying a thermal process to reduce the level of microorganisms in your product, ...

BRCGS Packaging Issue 6: Key changes
BRC Global Standards has recently launched a new packaging standard with changes that bring it in line with Global Food Safety Initiative requirements.

Are your cooking instructions correct?
Instruction validation relates to the need to ensure that cooking and heating instructions for consumers are tested rigorously, to ensure that food is safe t...

Training aspects of food safety culture
Bertrand Emond, Head of Membership and Training at Campden BRI, explains how companies can achieve excellence in their training programmes to strengthen thei...

What are the issues surrounding acrylamide?
This session considers how acrylamide has influenced food safety management and new product development practices.

Cooking (heating) instruction validation
The new BRC Issue 8 clause 5.2.5 relates to ensuring safe cooking (heating) instruction validation.

Food safety and traceability using protein profiling
This project will develop confirmatory methods for food allergen testing and the detection of the allergen source.

How to strengthen your food safety culture with GFSI’s new position paper
According to the Global Food Safety Initiative’s (GFSI) new position paper, a strong food safety culture depends on five key dimensions.

Success factors in food safety culture
Bertrand Emond talks about the success factors in food safety culture.

BRC Issue 8: Food safety culture
Bertrand Emond talks about the requirements for food safety culture in BRC Issue 8.

BRC Issue 8: Hygiene requirements
How to meet the new hygiene requirements in Issue 8 of the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety.

BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 8
This webinar outlines the key changes in BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 8, which was introducted in August 2018.

BRC Issue 8: Environmental monitoring
How to meet the new BRC Global Standard for Food Safety (issue 8) environmental monitoring requirement.

BRC Issue 8: Key changes
BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 8 was launched in August 2018, with the first conducted against it from 1st February 2019.

BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 8: a guide to key changes
The BRC Global Standard for Food Safety is the most widely used of the commercial standards for assuring production of safe food.

Food safety culture excellence
The importance of food safety culture has become increasingly recognised in the past few years.

Food safety systems
Food safety systems and culture in meeting the needs of global markets (Andrew Collins)

The top 5 HACCP food audit non-conformances and how to avoid them
Your HACCP plan is there for a reason. Not complying with it is considered a non-conformance.

Knowledge and skills for safety assurance
Understanding systems like HACCP is important for all involved in food and drink production. Richard Leathers and Louise Harris discuss why.

Threat Assessment Critical Control Point (TACCP)
Richard Leathers, Quality Management Systems Specialists at Campden BRI, talks about TACCP – a systematic evaluation of vulnerable elements ...

What is root cause analysis?
Quality systems specialists Richard Leathers and Lorraine Green explain that it is the simplest and most effective way of analysing things that ...

BRC 6 brings major changes
The sixth edition of the BRC Global Standard for Food (BRC 6) has certainly caused many companies to re-evaluate some of their processes and procedures.

How to pasteurise dry ingredients
Technologist Craig Leadley explains how to pasteurise dry ingredients, and new equipment at Campden BRI that could help companies with their ...

Air flow management
Martin George of our Food Manufacturing Technologies Department talks about modelling air flow, factors that affect it, and how it can contribute ...

31st Annual Campden lecture at Campden BRI Day 2009
Jonathon Porritt CBE delivered the 31st Annual Campden lecture, addressing Sustainability through Food Security What are the challenges that face ...