Pilot plant facilities - for food and drink

To discuss your needs
At Campden BRI we have a huge range of food and drink pilot plant facilities, covering over 3000m2, to help you develop new products, analyse existing processes, and evaluate ideas for the future. Our key areas are listed below but this is not an exhaustive list: We also have a specifically designed Microbiology Process Hall.
Sample and ingredient preparation
Facilities to cover a wide range of products including;
- Equipment for peeling and blanching and range of fruits and vegetables
- Meat processing and preparation equipment including sausage fillers and meat slicers
- Mixers, blenders, homogenisers for products such as soups and sauces
Thermal technologies, chilling and freezing
Campden BRI has nearly 100 years of experience in dealing with all aspects of heat processed foods. We have facilities to help you process your products;
- Thermal processing equipment including retorts (steam, steam/air, water immersion, raining water) and pasteurisation tanks for processing under a range of conditions and to cover a wide range of product areas including canned products, pouches, trays, etc.
- Steam–jacketed pans, batch pressure cooking and cooling vessels suitable for the manufacture of ketchups, jams, sauces and ready meal mixes
- Hot air and freeze driers for preparation of ingredients for dried mixes or lab samples
- Air blast chillers and freezers for ready meals as well as fruits and vegetables
Once your products and processes are designed we can offer support with cooking instructions and process validation.
In addition to equipment for preparing ingredients for a wide range of drinks including soft, fruit based and carbonated, flavoured beverages we have facilities for packing and processing drinks. Facilities include;
- Drinks carbonators and a citrus multi–juicer
- HTST/UHT unit with tubular and plate heat exchanger capabilities
Emerging technologies
- New technologies such as high–pressure processing, pulsed light, UV–C light, power ultrasound, cold plasma and Revtech.
Packaging technologies
In our extensive pilot plant and packaging laboratory we have a wide range of packaging equipment and facilities - including a temperature controlled packing area, to help you with a variety of developmental issues:
- Can seamers
- Glass capper
- Modified atmosphere packaging bag and tray sealers
- Multivac pouch sealer
- Burst test equipment
- Gas analysers
Campden BRI has a range of packaging analysis including strength and integrity testing facilities and both chemical and sensory taint analysis capabilities.
In addition to this we have a range of temperature controlled rooms for storage in a variety of conditions. We also have dedicated a product development lab for recipe development including a range of kitchen–scale equipment, microwaves and conventional ovens.
We also have equipment to measure a range of quality control parameters.
Canning and aseptic processing
Campden BRI is world–renowned for its expertise and facilities in heat processing. We have available a variety of canning retorts, steam–jacketed pans, and UHT and pasteurisation heat exchangers, as well as temperature monitoring equipment.
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Key services

Heat process validation
Many factors affect the amount of heat delivered, the product it contains, and the degree of mixing during the process.

Food product development
Developing new food and drink products is a complex process, we can help across the full range of food types.

Food cooking or reheating instructions
Knowledge and expertise for microwave and conventionally heated products.

New technologies services and information
Exploring new and emerging process technologies for industry use.
Product development training courses
Explore our product development related courses including; New product development and HACCP in new product development
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Where we refer to UKAS Accreditation
The Campden BRI group companies listed below are accredited in accordance with the recognised International Standard ISO17025:2017 by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). The accreditation demonstrates technical competence for a defined scope of methods, specific to each site, as detailed in the schedules of accreditation bearing the testing laboratory number. The schedules may be revised from time to time and reissued by UKAS. The most recent issue of the schedules are available from the UKAS website www.ukas.com. Campden BRI (Chipping Campden) Limited is a UKAS accredited testing laboratory No. 1079