Featured kit: microbiology process hall
Our newly commissioned microbiology process hall will help us
develop our well established microbiology evaluation and process
validation services. In particular, it provides us with a larger area
dedicated to the microbiological inoculation of foods and evaluation of
the effect of food and drink processes at reducing and eliminating such
contamination. As it mimics a real processing environment, it also
allows us to do combination studies using pathogens and give
recommendations for surrogate organisms suitable for further trials.
Assessments can evaluate novel technologies, traditional treatments, product development, pilot equipment, troubleshooting and
new packaging formats. We can back this up with in-house expertise on the heat resistance and subsequent survival of
microorganisms in a very wide range of food and drink matrices.
Clients have the option to have work done that is primarily laboratory-based or combine this with validation studies using equipment
housed in this area, and possibly followed by validations with manufacturing equipment in place on site at clients' facilities. Contact us
for a complete microbiological process validation service.
+44(0)1386 842000