Science and technology for the food and drink industry

Practical scientific, technical, regulatory and information support - helping businesses succeed.

The food and drink industry is facing significant challenges. Finding the right partner to deliver understanding and the optimal response is critical. Campden BRI is a leader in global food and drink science and research, possessing both the knowledge and practical expertise to deliver results that safeguard businesses and unlock opportunities.

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Trending in food and drink

Beating food fraud eBook mockup

Beating food crime: download our FREE eBook

Food crime is a significant threat to any food or drink business operator, with many associated food safety risks.


Green plant shoot coming up through soil

The latest ‘greenwashing’ updates – responsible communication of environmental, sustainability and green claims

Outlining the latest regulatory developments in the EU, UK and other English-speaking markets, the challenges they present and how to approach them.


Woman opening oven door

Cooking energy and cost rating white paper

Many consumers are considering the cost of cooking food products at home, as well as which appliances and methods may help them to minimise these costs.


Latest updates

Factory workers inspecting equipment with clipboard

How to defend your business against food fraud

Food fraud is a significant threat to any food or drink business operator and there are many food associated safety risks. Plus food fraud can have huge reputational and financial costs for implicated businesses and brands.


Selection of wheat, flour, and grain

Campden BRI Millers Day

In collaboration with UK Flour Millers, we are delighted to invite members of the milling industry and interested stakeholders to a free one-day event at Chipping Campden.


People preparing food in a kitchen with sensory booths attached

Tools for streamlined and successful product development

Two solutions to help your product development effectively and efficiently keep pace with market demand – facilitating a complete understanding of your product so that you can ensure success.


Excavator clearing area within a forest after trees have been cut down

Navigating the EU Deforestation Regulation and UK Forest Risk Commodities regulations

As well as addressing consumer demand for sustainably sourced products, food and drink manufacturers also need to navigate these new due diligence and traceability requirements for sourcing certain commodities.


Business meeting with people discussing tactics and strategies with charts on paper

Highlights from the 8th Global Food Safety Training Survey – the industry can and should do much better

We summarise the 2024 key findings from this benchmark data training. The survey allows participant companies to compare themselves and share best practices. How does your training compare?


Salmonella growth in agar plate

Molecular microbiology seminar

This seminar is the ideal opportunity to develop and update your knowledge of molecular microbiology, so that you can best use it to ensure the safety of your products.


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