Talking safety and quality Culture Excellence at Campden BRI’s 7th annual seminar
1 June 2022 | Emma Samuel, ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Graduating in 2018 with first class honours in Environmental Health from Cardiff Metropolitan University, Emma received the Michael Morrison Memorial Award for best student performance as well as high commendation from the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health. In October 2018, Emma secured a Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarship (KESS2) PhD studentship with Cardiff Metropolitan University’s ZERO2FIVE˚ Food and Drink Research Unit. In collaboration with a food manufacturing partner, Emma’s project focuses on an in-depth assessment of hand hygiene compliance and food safety culture to inform bespoke intervention implementation. KESS2 is a pan-Wales higher level skills initiative led by Bangor University on behalf of the HE sector; partly funded by Welsh Government’s European Social Fund convergence programme for West Wales and Valleys.
A warm welcome to the second virtual safety and quality culture excellence seminar from Bertrand Emond
Now in its seventh year, Campden BRI in partnership with TSI, delivered the Safety and Quality Culture Excellence conference to an online audience on the 8 and 9 December 2021. Exclaiming that “Christmas had come early!”, Bertrand Emond opened the session with a run through of what we could expect from this year’s guest speakers. Day one would focus on how to keep safety and quality “top of mind” by exploring examples from OSI, Kerry, McCormick, McDonald’s and Aryzta before a roundup of global and supply chain updates from SSAFE, Walmart, Integralim, Zhinong Yan Collaboration and BRCGS Global. The last session would shed light on how to embed positive culture right from the start with a look at experiences from new ventures at HelloFresh and Cerealto Siro Foods.
Of course, from a wider business perspective, maintaining quality culture excellence is no less important for departments and colleagues supporting front line production staff and so day two would provide valuable examples of how to create positive, culture-based, relationships with colleagues. From Aryzta, we would hear about enhancing food safety culture by working closely with human resources, about how to drive positive environmental behaviour at Coca- Cola Hellenic Bottling Company, the resulting – growing - interest in reporting company ‘ESG’ (i.e. Environment Social Governance) from Grant Thornton and the benefit of utilising motivational drivers to increase training effectiveness from Austin Welch, Sage Media.
And finally, keeping abreast of the latest culture research would look at how food safety culture can impact hand hygiene compliance in practice from KESS2 PhD Student Emma Samuel of the ZERO2FIVE˚ Food and Drink Research Unit at Cardiff Metropolitan University as well as a fascinating overview of the risk management and communication tool ‘Bowtie’ from Andrew Collins of Campden BRI. Dr Joanne Taylor would close the conference by sharing the latest Culture Excellence news including new platform developments and dashboard updates.
Bertrand reminded the audience that these sessions were “for you” and everyone was encouraged to get involved by adding their comments, suggestions, thoughts and ideas on Spark Up’s virtual white board. To get things started, the audience were asked to share which activities they utilised to keep the safety and quality culture conversation going …
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Culture Excellence Program
The Culture Excellence Program is an effective solution for the measurement, analysis, benchmarking, and sustained improvement of safety and quality culture.