Brewing - energy
Condensate handling
Ensure 100% condensate return
- look around your plant
Condensate return to boiler’s hot well
- energy efficiency
- low salts content
- reduced pretreatment costs
- reduced blowdown requirement
- consider blowdown automation by conductivity measurement
Size pipework according to start up (warm up) load
- perhaps three times higher than normal operation
Flash steam from condensate
- is there a low pressure load to recover heat to?
- perhaps through a heat exchanger to preheat boiler feed water
- if so consider expert help / advice in recovering the heat
- also reduces unsightly steam plumes
Small steam loads a long distance from the boiler house
- may not be viable to recover condensate
- take into account energy, water and water treatment
- consider separate boiler / distributed steam system
Contaminated condensate? consider recovering heat with a heat exchanger
- as long as there is a use for the recovered heat