How to take a clinical swab test to detect if you have COVID-19

This video shows you how to take a clinical swab test to detect if you have COVID-19. It demonstrates a service that makes up our Workforce testing that we provide our clients and customers.

This video was filmed following strict COVID-19 safety rules

More on Viruses

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Pathogen risks to be aware of – lessons from recent recalls and outbreaks

An overview of the foodborne pathogens of concern in the food processing environment and the food chain, drawing on recent outbreak and recall information.


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How to take an environmental swab to detect the virus that causes COVID-19

This video demonstrates how to take an environmental swab on frequently touched surfaces to detect the virus that causes COVID-19.

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How did COVID-19 cause food poisoning cases to plummet?

As we pass the one-year point in the pandemic, COVID-19 has appeared to have had a drastic effect on reported cases and outbreaks of food poisoning.


COVID-19 - Testing, factory hygiene and risk assessment

This webinar will explain how Campden BRI can help you test for the presence of COVID-19, risk assess your factory hygiene and keep your site COVID secure.

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