Product benchmarking testing
Learn how our trained home economists - in the role of informed consumers - can compare your product with others in the marketplace, or with your own alternative formulations.
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Welcome to Campden BRI, this video shows step-by-step the product benchmarking process here at Campden BRI. A small panel of fully trained and experienced home economists with a real passion for food will assess any type of product, either NPD samples or current products, from an informed consumer viewpoint. Products are delivered or purchased by the department shopper as specified by the client, photographs of the products are taken in their original state alongside any competitor products. All products are passed to the kitchen technician who removes all the packaging to eliminate any potential buyers. A unique three-digit randomise code is assigned to each sample. Each product is prepared to the first cooking instruction or alternatively any other method as supplied by the client. An electronic timer is used to ensure accurate cooking times are maintained.
Meanwhile, in the separate room the assessors discuss their expectations of the product whilst the technician prepares the samples. When the product is cooked and has reached the required temperature it is passed through to the assessors. An image of the product is taken and the assessors discuss the appearance. The assessors then taste the sample individually, water and plain crackers are used after each sample is tested to cleanse a pallet and prevent carryover of flavours. Each product is tested in turn in the same way. The scores are collated and an overall eating enjoyment score is awarded. Once all the products have been tested the packaging is revealed so that its identity and on-pack information can be discussed between the assessors. A comprehensive detailed report is then created from all the comments made by the assessors highlighting the key factors and general observations. This report also includes all photos taken throughout the process. The report is checked and sent out via email to the client or posted on a client unique webpage.
If you would like to discuss your benchmarking requirements in more detail then please do not hesitate to contact us.