Laboratory Quality Systems – an introduction to ISO 17025:2017 and other quality standards based on ISO 17025
Members - £999 + VAT
Non-members - £1300 + VAT
Campden BRI, Chipping Campden
Benefits of attending
The need for laboratories to demonstrate competence through adoption of quality systems and recognised accreditation/certification is widely established within the food/drink industry as a means of strengthening due diligence regimes and meeting clients requirements. It not only satisfies client requirements for an assurance of the validity of test results but also supports other quality management systems (e.g. BRC Global Foods Safety Standard requirements for testing). Campden BRI’s extensive experience in operating, auditing and advising on laboratory quality systems will help delegates to develop their system and work towards recognised accreditation, e.g. UKAS, CLAS and other schemes based on ISO/IEC 17025:2017. It can also help accredited/complaint laboratories review/improve their existing quality systems and can help to develop/expand the knowledge of laboratory staff to assist with successor planning.
Delegates will be introduced to the various elements of the required laboratory quality system and will receive guidance on the interpretation of these in relation to microbiological, and analytical testing activities. The course provides practical instruction on how to implement, document and record appropriate systems to enable them to prepare for laboratory accreditation/laboratory certification.
This course is suitable for Laboratory Managers/Supervisors responsible for developing and implementing a quality system within their laboratory. It is also suitable for helping laboratories that already hold ISO 17025 accreditation/CLAS compliance develop and expand the knowledge of laboratory staff to strengthen operations and assist with successor planning.
Tutors are experienced laboratory assessors with extensive knowledge of food and drink testing activities.
Training Course content
- Benefits of laboratory quality systems; overview of requirements in ISO 17025:2017/CLAS Standard Issue 4
- Management system and document control
- Facility, environmental control and hygiene
- Sample receipt, traceability, protection, storage, handling, disposal/return
- Test methods, section, suitability, validation/verification, documentation, measurement uncertainty
- Assuring validity of results, EQA, IQA criteria to appraise results, trends, bias
- Equipment control, service, calibration, monitoring, appraising results
- Reporting results, content, amendment, conformity statements, opinions/ interpretations
- Externally provided products/services (including subcontraction), evaluation, performance monitoring, verification of services/materials
- Non-conforming work, impact appraisal corrective action/preventive action; Complaints, handling, resolution, impact appraisal, trending
- Internal audits, scheduling, auditor selection, reporting and trending
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course delegates will be able to:
- Understand the Fundamentals of Laboratory Quality Systems
- Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the importance and benefits of laboratory quality systems.
- Interpret and Apply ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and CLAS Standard
- Participants will learn to interpret key requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and CLAS Standard Issue 4, and apply these standards effectively within their laboratory operations to achieve or maintain accreditation/certification status.
- Develop and Implement Effective Laboratory Management Systems
- Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how all the components of ISO 17025/CLAS Standard interact to form a robust quality system; acquiring the knowledge to develop an effective laboratory quality system to ensure consistent quality and reliability in testing
- Enhance the Knowledge of Laboratory Staff
- Participants will understand the requirements in ISO 17025/CLAS Standard to use this knowledge to develop, review and improve procedures and operating systems in their own laboratory.
- Drive Continuous Improvement
- Participants will understand how the requirements for internal audits, managing non-conforming work, corrective actions, complaints handling, management reviews provide valuable tools to drive continuous improvement and the sustained effectiveness of their laboratory quality systems.
This course can be customised and is available in house - please contact for more information.
Further information
Our training team will be happy to help with any enquiry on +44(0)1386 842104 or at