Development of products for nutrition, health and well-being

Product development and reformulation in response to the needs for improved nutrition, health and wellbeing requires a multi-disciplinary approach, as this video clip demonstrates.

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In recent years we've seen a shift in the development need of our clients towards foods that are nutritionally and well-being focused, whilst there's also a continued drive towards convenience. As consumers we spend less time in the kitchen, we want quick and easy solutions, but there's also a focus on quality and value.

When clients come to us the process often starts with development, they come to us with new ideas and we help them scope these up into products. This can be completely new ideas or reformulation, for example lower fat, lower salt and lower sugar. They are looking for a multidisciplinary approach and it's important that we consider product development from all angles. Microbiologists are there to be able to consider safety, chemists to provide compositional and nutritional data on the developed products, regulatory affairs experts to help with labelling and nutritional claims, product development specialists to work on idea generation, recipe development or reformulation using bench scale facilities, consumer studies provide consumer insight into ideas for products and prototypes, sensory techniques provide analytical data on sensory quality. This combination of expertise and facilities enables companies to produce new products including a wide range of beverages, bakery products and heat preserved foods. Following development samples and prototypes produced in our pilot plant can be used for consumer and market testing.

Our multidisciplinary team is able to troubleshoot, support and advice companies through the innovation journey of developing products for a nutrition, health and wellness market.

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