HACCP – refresher (inc CODEX 2022 update), live online tutor-led training course (2 mornings)
Course is delivered from 0900 - 1300 hours over two mornings.
Members - £640 + VAT
Non-members - £835 + VAT
Delegate feedback (2024):
- Tutor was brilliant, very knowledgeable in the topic.
- Very knowledgeable tutor and enthusiastically presented. Easy to listen and engage with.
- Great tutor, listened and catered for all of our individual objectives as to what we were specifically interested in getting out of the course. They made the course lively and interactive and interesting. Very good tutor, great explanations and examples of topics.
Benefits of attending
Food operations need to ensure that their HACCP team members have the required knowledge and understanding of the HACCP principles. Refresher training in HACCP would help food operations demonstrate to external and third party auditors that the team's knowledge and understanding has been maintained. In January 2022 Codex Alimentarius published the revised general principles of Food Hygiene, the course includes the updates and explains the change of thinking around Food Safety Management: including clear guidance on the responsibility of food operators relating to the importance of good hygienic practices in the management of food safety hazards; the importance of the supply chain and good agricultural practices; and food safety culture.
This course is designed to give previously trained participants an update on developments in HACCP and to provide an opportunity to discuss issues regarding HACCP with an experienced HACCP specialist. To achieve this the course has a mix of tutor presentations and discussion sessions, exercises are included to promote participant involvement. The course is suitable for participants that have been previously trained at the Intermediate (Level 3) or Advanced (Level 4) levels.
The course will be delivered live online over the course of two mornings (0900 - 1300 hours), participants will be sent log in details for a Microsoft Teams session.
Training Course content
- Updates to:
- Codex Alimentarius General Principles of Food Hygiene
- EU and UK legal requirements
- Standards
- Prerequisite programmes
- HACCP principles
- Sources of guidance
- New approaches to Principle 1
- Hazard analysis - New approaches to Principle 6
- Verification/Validation/Review
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, based upon a given scenario, delegates will be able to:
- Correctly explain the requirements for HACCP in current EU and UK legislation
- Understanding the role of prerequisite programs in supporting the HACCP system and maintaining food safety standards.
- Correctly explain the Codex HACCP terminology
- Accurately explain the requirement for HACCP in a given industry standard
- Identify and explain the recent updates in EU and UK legal requirements, food safety standards, and HACCP-related guidelines.
- Apply the latest Codex 2022 updates and good hygienic practices to ensure continuous compliance and improvement of the food safety management system.
This course can be customised and is available in house - please contact training@campdenbri.co.uk for more information.
Related training
HACCP - advanced, live online tutor-led training course (6 mornings)
Next step
HACCP – validation and verification
Further information
Our training team will be happy to help with any enquiry on +44(0)1386 842104 or at training@campdenbri.co.uk