New technologies for food manufacturing
Project title: New technologies for food and drink manufacturing
Member Funded Research project number: 147084
Why are we undertaking this project?
Manufacturers need independent data on ways to effectively validate and understand the benefits new processing and preservation technologies have of improving product quality. Understanding how processing or preservation technologies impact on the quality and shelf-life of products remains an important area for manufacturers.
What are we doing as part of this project?
The focus for this project will be on emerging technologies for improving quality and value and will conduct feasibility studies on commercially relevant emerging technologies. The project will inform members about additional new technologies through the new technologies bulletins, feasibility studies and desk-based reviews.
Planned work for 2021
Having conducted ultrasound trials in year 2 and reviewed powder treatment technologies in 2021 we are working on:
- Pulsed electric Fields (PEF) applications on fermentation enhancement and inactivation studies
- Completion of a practical evaluation of solid-state microwave processing in comparison with traditional magnetron systems, following preliminary trials in 2019.
- Review of Ultra high-pressure homogenisation (UHPH) systems
Project Lead:
Danny Bayliss
Jan 2019 - Dec 2021
Steering MIG: Processing, operations and preservation
Project outputs
New technologies bulletins

- NTB 57 - Improving processing with power ultrasound
- NTB 56 - New technologies for low water activity food powder decontamination
- NTB 55 - Quality and foreign body detection using In-line X-ray CT scanning
- NTB 54 - Applications of pulsed electric field technology
- NTB 53 - Advances in online packaging integrity testing
- NTB 52 - Air in the food industry and how we can control its quality
- Search all new technology bulletins
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MIG updates and webinars

- Cereals, milling and baking MIG Webinar- May 2021
- Fermented and Alcoholic Drinks MIG Webinar - May 2020
- Processing, operations and preservation MIG - Jan 2019
- Processing, operations and preservation MIG - Jan 2019
- Food service MIG - Sep 2017
- Processing, operations and preservation MIG - Sep 2017
- Project webinar - Feasibility studies update - June 2017
- Chilled and frozen foods MIG - Sep 2016
- Manufacturing technologies MIG - Jan 2016
RSSs, R&Ds and publications

- RSS 2019-09 - New technologies for food manufacturing: in-line 3D X-ray detection for quality and foreign body control
- R&D454 - Quality comparison between traditional thermal processing and continuous microwave technology
- RSS 2018-10 - New technologies for food manufacturing: quality impacts of continuous microwave processing
- R&D444 - Exploring the feasibility of applications for PEF to improve the functionality of fresh produce
- RSS 2017-16 - Exploring the feasibility of applications for PEF to improve the functionality of fresh produce
- R&D421 - Exploring the feasibility of UV-C "in pack" applications and quality improvement of fresh produce
- RSS 2016-28 - New technologies for food manufacturing UV-C "in pack" processing