New technologies for food manufacturing
Project title: New technologies for food and drink manufacturing
Member Funded Research project number: 147084
The New technologies bulletins are designed to enable members to monitor developments in novel and emerging technologies which offer potential to the food and drink industries.
New technologies bulletins
- NTB 57 - Improving processing with power ultrasound
- NTB 56 - New technologies for low water activity food powder decontamination
- NTB 55 - Quality and foreign body detection using In-line X-ray CT scanning
- NTB 54 - Applications of pulsed electric field technology
- NTB 53 - Advances in online packaging integrity testing
- NTB 52 - Air in the food industry and how we can control its quality
- NTB 51 - New technological developments in the bakery industry
- NTB 50 - Review of IFT Non-thermal processing workshop
- NTB 49 - On-line sensing technologies for food process control
- NTB 48 - The application of Ultraviolet Light (UV-C) for the food industry
- NTB 47 - Pulsed electric field (PEF) processing for clean label foods and brighter colours
- NTB 46 - New technologies for low aw food pasteurisation and salt reduction
- NTB 45 - Cold plasma for food preservation
- NTB 44 - Antimicrobials and salt reduction
- NTB 43 - Use of time temperature
integrators in thermal processing and Salt reduction - NTB 42 - Active packaging – a review
- NTB 41 - Power ultrasound
- NTB 39 - Hyperspectral NIR imaging
- NTB 38 - Pulsed light technology
in the food industry - NTB 37 - Super chilling of foods
- NTB 36 - Novel processing methods for the production and distribution of high-quality and safe foods
- NTB 35 - Energy recovery and bioethanol production using food processing wastes as potential feedstocks
- NTB 34 - Developments in 'clean label' ingredients: a review
- NTB 33 - Cold plasma
- NTB 32 - A review of supercritical fluid technology and its applications in the food industry
- NTB 31 - Update on Ohmic heating
- NTB 30 - Review of IFT non-thermal processing workshop
- NTB 29 - Rapid cooling of foods
- NTB 28 - The application of edible films and coatings in food
- NTB 27 - The application of edible films and coatings in food
- NTB 26 - The use of natural antimicrobials for food preservation
- NTB 25 - Developments in microwave and radio-frequency heating
- NTB 24 - Overview of IFT/EFFoST non thermal processing workshop
More project outputs
New technologies videos and podcasts

- Video - UV light tunnel
- Video - High pressure processing
- Video - Cold plasma
- Video - Pasteurisation of dried ingredients
- Video - Power Ultrasound
- Video - Pulsed light processing
- Podcast - Air flow management
- Podcast - Cold plasma inactivation of food microorganisms
- Podcast - Positron emission particle tracking
- Podcast - Emerging technologies
- Podcast - Pulsed light technology for surface decontamination
New technologies updates

New technologies publications

- RSS 2019-09 - New technologies for food manufacturing: in-line 3D X-ray detection for quality and foreign body control
- R&D454 - Quality comparison between traditional thermal processing and continuous microwave technology
- RSS 2018-10 - New technologies for food manufacturing: quality impacts of continuous microwave processing
- R&D444 - Exploring the feasibility of applications for PEF to improve the functionality of fresh produce
- RSS 2017-16 - Exploring the feasibility of applications for PEF to improve the functionality of fresh produce
- R&D421 - Exploring the feasibility of UV-C "in pack" applications and quality improvement of fresh produce
- RSS 2016-28 - New technologies for food manufacturing UV-C "in pack" processing
- RSS 2015-21 - Shelf-life extension of trout fillets by SGS and MAP treatment
- RSS 2014-39 - Bio-ethanol from waste
- R&D377 - Cold atmospheric plasma: a feasibility study
- RSS 2014-37 - Pulsed light for surface decontamination:
- RSS 2013-25 - Using the Shaka process for high speed food sterilisation, new technologies monitoring, reporting and practical evaluation
- RSS 2012-29 - New technologies for food manufacturing and sustainable resource management
- RSS 2011-23 - New technologies for food manufacturing
- RSS 2011-14 - Power ultrasound thinning of starch
- RSS 2009-09 - New technologies for food manufacturing
- R&D283 - Process safety measurements for shellfish operations using time temperature integrators
- RSS 2009-08 - New technologies for food manufacturing
- R&D281 - Pulsed light for surface decontamination
- RSS 2009-07 - Cold plasma shelf life extension
- R&D233 - A comparative study of high pressure sterilisation and conventional sterilisation quality effects in green beans and carrots
- RSS 2009-06 - New technologies for food manufacturing
- R&D226 - High pressure sterilisation: temperature distribution studies in a laboratory scale high pressure vessel
- RSS 2009-05 - New technologies for food manufacturing ‐ robotic handling