G79 Practical control of Listeria in food production

1st edition (2022)
ISBN 978-0-907503-96-5
This guideline has been written for anyone with an interest in Listeria and its control in food production. It is also intended to complement the training of staff on Listeria and its control. The language has been kept at a low level of complexity.
Species of Listeria, including Listeria monocytogenes, are found in the environment from which they can be readily isolated. It is also known that Listeria is especially good at surviving and even colonising food manufacturing premises.
The risks presented by L. monocytogenes to vulnerable consumers cannot be over-stated. The pressure is on, for food manufacturers to make products that are free from pathogens such as L. monocytogenes. But is this realistic?
This document considers how the food industry can attempt to control Listeria in the food production environment and, therefore, in food products.
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