G70 Guidelines on the reuse of potable water for food processing operations

Cover for G70 Guidelines on the reuse of potable water for food processing operations

1st edition (2012)

ISBN 978-0-907503-73-6

This guideline provides help on the assessment of microbiological, chemical and physical hazards that can enter potable water following its first use in a food processing operation. The outcome of this risk assessment will determine the degree of reconditioning necessary for its use in a second food processing operation.

This guideline provides help on the assessment of microbiological, chemical and physical hazards that can enter potable water following its first use in a food processing operation. The outcome of this risk assessment will determine the degree of reconditioning necessary for its use in a second food processing operation. Information is also given on applicable reconditioning treatments. In particular, this guidance will help food manufacturers provide evidence and documentation to support the safe reuse of water to their customers and the Competent Authority as required.

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