G25 Guidelines for the measurement of water activity and ERH in foods

Cover for G25 Guidelines for the measurement of water activity and ERH in foods

1st edition (1999)

ISBN 0 905942 23 X

Understand the importance of water activity in food preservation and adopt procedures to ensure it is measured accurately and reliably

How water activity affects microbial growth and thus contributes to food safety and quality; The principles on which the different instruments available operate; Pitfalls to avoid when preparing samples and measuring water activity; Guidance on approaching instrument maintenance and calibration; Special considerations for different food types including composite, coated and multi-layer products

The guide is aimed both at food industry technical personnel involved in measuring water activity and, more generally, at others who need to understand the basic concept of water activity and its relevance to food preservation, such as product developers, production managers and quality management personnel. It was written and reviewed by experts drawn from food manufacturers, retailers, instrument manufacturers and technical organisations including CCFRA.

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