G4 Guidelines for the identification of foreign bodies reported from food 2nd Ed

2nd edition (2006)
ISBN 0 905942 76 0
Help prevent recurrences of foreign body incidents through reliable identification of the foreign body and the route through which it entered the food. (Original price £120 members/£180 non-members)
Based on the highly successful first edition, it has been extensively revised and expanded to provide wider and more detailed coverage based on considerable day-to-day practical experience of foreign body analysis. It describes the approaches that can be taken to the identification of foreign bodies as diverse as bone, hair and feathers, fish scales, insects and other invertebrates, microbial matter, metal and plastic, rocks and minerals, glass and ceramics, fibres and paper and board. It also considers the best way to isolate foreign bodies from foods for analysis, and the likely effects on the foreign body of processing and chewing. In addition to technical and laboratory personnel involved directly in the identification of foreign bodies, the guide will prove invaluable to anyone who commissions such analyses or has to make decisions on the basis of foreign body identification.
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