TAST1E2 Campden BRI Traceability Auditing Standard 2nd Edition

Cover for TAST1E2 Campden BRI Traceability Auditing Standard  2nd Edition

2nd edition (2015)

ISBN 978-0-907503-86-6

This standard documents the requirements of a traceability management system that has been developed following Campden BRI Guideline 60 (Second edition, 2015) for traceability in the food and feed chain.

The requirements documented in this standard are designed to enable the effective verification of the status and maintenance of a traceability system.

This standard is not a practical guide to traceability. It will aid food and feed operations to develop traceability systems. It may be used by customers, auditors and regulatory authorities and other interested parties to ensure that a traceability system has been developed according to best practice and is appropriate to the production operation

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