G72/2 TACCP/VACCP Threat and vulnerability assessments - food fraud and food defence a practical guide

Cover for G72/2 TACCP/VACCP Threat and vulnerability assessments - food fraud and food defence a practical guide

2nd edition (2019)

ISBN 978-0-9-7503-91-0

Guideline 72 has been revised to reflect the changes in food fraud and food defence, with considerations to updates in standards, retailer requirements, reference documents and other relevant sources.

This document reflects the principles and practices of TACCP (Threat Assessment Critical Control Point), VACCP (Vulnerability Analysis Critical Control Point) and other methods employed in the assurance of food safety and security.

Focus is provided for food businesses to assist them in conducting a threat or vulnerability assessment study, and identifying the major elements to consider. key points are illustrated with examples and case studies.

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