G60\2 Traceability in the food and feed chain 2nd Edition

Cover for G60\2 Traceability in the food and feed chain 2nd Edition

2nd edition (2015)

ISBN 978-0-907503-79-8

This guideline outlines the general principles and basic system requirements for the design and implementation of a traceability system – with special reference to external and internal traceability.

Traceability is a widely used term and is one of those broad concepts, like quality, for which there are many definitions and applications and ideas about what is required or important.

Although regulations, international standards and commercial standards require traceability systems, none is prescriptive in the way it is achieved. Legal requirements focus on external traceability of suppliers and customers (the one step back and one step forward approach), whereas industry good practice also includes industry process traceability.

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