Why bundling challenge testing, shelf life, sensory analysis, and consultancy is a game-changer for food businesses

Why bundling challenge testing, shelf life, sensory analysis, and consultancy is a game-changer for food businesses

Guarantee food safety, save money and time with our trusted expertise for your food microbiology and related solution and support needs.

What’s your biggest food microbiology problem? Are you worried about compromising your food and drink safety, or experiencing difficulties getting the right evidence to meet your compliance requirements?

Whatever you need, when you are struggling for answers and need to move quickly, we know how important it is to have all your food microbiology and related solution requirements under one roof - backed up by unrivalled knowledge and expertise to deliver quality results.

E.coli growing in agar plate

A trusted partner for your food microbiology needs

With our ISO and UKAS accredited service you will get everything you need. Just send us a sample and we can take care of everything else including:

  • Challenge testing
  • Shelf-life testing (micro, chemistry, sensory, packaging, toxins)
  • Sensory analysis
  • Integration and consultancy

Why choose Campden BRI

  • UKAS accreditation
  • ISO 17025 accredited laboratories
  • Containment level 3 laboratory
  • Inoculated STEC E.coli
  • Experts across all validation programmes
  • ‘One stop shop’ for your food microbiology needs
  • Trusted expertise

Save money and safeguard your business from costly checks and recalls, by partnering with Campden BRI for validation and brand protection.

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