Food microbiology
Protect your customers and your brand from risk with Campden BRI’s unique wrap around testing and advisory microbiology solutions
Effective microbiological expertise including analysis, testing and techniques for the safe removal of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi (yeast and moulds) and viruses are essential for supporting food manufacturers and protecting consumers. We offer consultative expertise and support in all areas of food microbiology.
Why choose Campden BRI for support with your food microbiology challenges?
Irrespective of where your business might be on its food safety journey, we can provide:
Practical support
Analysis and testing
Microorganism removal
Maintain food safety with effective food microbiology services and consultative expertise:
The ability to prevent food poisoning and reduce spoilage are key priorities for any food company. Through working with us, you can take advantage of our extensive offerings to help boost your level of control and confidence in producing safe food:
- Microbiological analysis and testing - covering pathogens, spoilage organisms, and indicator organisms
- Micoorganism identification and characterisation - an essential part of managing food safety and quality
- Microbiological shelf-life - product safety, retaining sensory, microbiological and chemical characteristics
- Microbiological growth challenge tests – inoculated studies with key pathogens such as Listeria spp. and Clostridium botulinum
- Microbiological process inactivation potential challenge tests – Determining process lethality to validate kill steps in low moisture foods and ingredients
- Microbiological process kinetic challenge tests – practical determination of minimum processing conditions by assessment of inactivation kinetics (e.g. D- and z-values) for target microorganisms in foods
- Environmental microbiology – including disinfectant testing, surface and air decontamination evaluation and removal of biofilms.
- Microbiological risk assessments - guiding clients through the complex evaluation process
- Processing to remove microorganisms - advice on heating regimes and troubleshooting of microbiological issues in heat processed foods
- Brewing microbiology - a range of services to support those involved in the brewing industry
- Molecular microbiology - expertise in molecular detection, typing and tracking techniques for pathogens and spoilage organisms
- Microbiological methods - advising clients on method selection, evaluation and implementation
- Antimicrobial and preservative efficacy assessment - including natural antimicrobial assessment from development to in food trials
- Microbiology training courses - support from our experts to help microbiologists and non-microbiologists to further enhance their skills
- Microbiological facilities - include a range of biosafety level 2 laboratories, such as a virology lab, cell culture facilities, a microbiology process hall for pathogen studies, an aerobiology lab, and specialist containment laboratories including a botulinum laboratory and a containment level 3 laboratory enabling work with STEC

Contact us
With our in-depth expertise and breadth of experience, our extensive microbiology support and resources can help you to navigate the challenges of maintaining food safety.

Linda Everis, Section Lead - Microbiology Safety and Spoilage

Suzanne Jordan, Section Lead - Molecular Microbiology and Methods

Rob Limburn, Section Lead - Industrial Process Microbiology

Grzegorz Rachon, Section Lead - Brewing Microbiology Research

Annette Sansom, Section Lead - Emerging Microbiology