Food information to consumers regulation: FAQs
With the deadline in December 2014 for compliance with the majority of the Provision of Food Information to Consumers Regulation fast approaching, the Campden BRI Regulatory Advice Service is receiving many enquiries regarding this legislation. This white paper has been produced to answer the most frequently asked questions:
- What is the difference between the FIC and the FIR?
- What does the FIR cover?
- When does the FIC apply?
- When is nutrition labelling mandatory?
- What about front of pack nutrition information?
Campden BRI's experienced Food Law Advisory Team offers a valuable, extensive and authoritative information and advisory service on:
- Current UK and EU food law (Directives & Regulations) and related standards
- Guidance documents, codes of practice, planned and proposed legislation
- Environment legislation, relevant to the food supply chain
- Controls in countries within and outside the EU, often in conjunction with experts in those countries
What is the difference between the FIC and the FIR?
The Food Information to Consumers Regulation (Regulation (EU) 1169/2011) is being referred to using several different abbreviations. To aid understanding and distinguish between EU and domestic legislation, here at Campden BRI along with many organisations, the following abbreviations are being used:
- EU FIC or FIC – to refer to the EU Regulation on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers (Regulation (EU) 1169/2011)
- FIR or FIRs – to refer to domestic legislation e.g. in England, the English Food Information Regulations 2014 (SI No. 1855)
What does the FIR cover?
The FIR enables the EU FIC to be enforced in England and the devolved administrations, and deals with national provisions, which may continue once the EU FIC applies. Other EU Member States are entitled to make similar provisions in their own countries.
It is the FIR that exempts the traditional re-useable glass milk bottle from displaying any of the compulsory information required by the EU FIC. The FIR also contains rules for the labelling of products and ingredients that have been exposed to ionising radiation during processing, and clarification of the national position on compositional standards and labelling for minced meat.
There is no change for foods sold loose in non-catering situations, such as those in deli-counters, which will still need to state the name of the food on a label or notice, and to provide the quantitative ingredient declaration (QUID) for loose meat products, such as meat pies. However, the requirement to indicate the category of additives added to food sold loose will end once the EU FIC applies.