Why choose us for your bakery training

Why bakery at Campden BRI

Our Baking and Cereal Processing (BCP) Department

Our Baking and Cereal Processing team comprises of specialists in their fields who have significant personal experience of working within the food industry. They advise food companies operating in the bakery and cereal products sectors in areas such as processing consultancy, process development, product development, training, and reformulation. Key aspects of the work includes ingredient and raw material analysis, test baking, reformulation to meet diet and health needs, and understanding the functionality of ingredients, which includes gluten free products.

Specific products covered:

Training is delivered at various levels from entry to advanced, and depends on the needs of the client. Scheduled courses are run using the excellent facilities in the training bakery. These courses are attended by delegates from different companies. We also run tailored courses for single clients in which confidential information on products and processes are discussed. Benefits of these are in the operational improvements that are achieved through cost and waste reduction as well as product innovation opportunities. Our team are able to draw on other areas of expertise within Campden BRI to enhance their training, for example utilising the knowledge and experience of our Sensory or Microbiology departments.

We have on site pilot facilities and wide ranging expertise

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