Training and Development - Member Interest Group

This MIG focuses on the challenges and issues that food and drink businesses deal with to ensure their staff are competent and stay competent as well as engaged. The MIG addresses common industry themes such as high staff turnover, heavy reliance on agency staff, tight budgets, the wide range of training available, how to ensure that training is effective, enjoyable, and impactful. The aim of this MIG is to provide a collaborative environment in which challenges and solutions can be discussed. It is also an ideal forum for networking, horizon-scanning, identifying gaps in knowledge and addressing them, as well as keeping up to date with legislation, latest research, and other upcoming topics.

Chair: Cian Short, Kepak
Vice-Chair: Sarah Whiting, 2 Sisters Food Group

Next Training and Development meeting

Training and Development MIG

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Typical topics of interest:

Business culture

  • Onboarding and retention
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Employee engagement
  • Global food safety training initiatives
  • Behavioural change and maturity
  • Tacit knowledge
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD)


  • Case studies and sharing practical tips and tools
  • Training needs analysis, competency/capability framework
  • Delivery methods for training and learning
  • Technology, e.g. learning management systems

Further and higher education

  • Apprenticeships
  • T-levels
  • Other schemes
  • Oven ready graduates: knowledge, skills and behaviours required in different jobs

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