Processing to improve nutrition and product development
Project title: Pre-processing to improve natural nutrition and functionality of ingredients
Member Funded Research project number: 147088
Why are we undertaking this project?
Processing methods such as sprouting, fermentation and extrusion are known to improve functionality and nutritional value of ingredients. However, studies indicate that these benefits depend on the raw material’s exact processing conditions, with significant variation seen from minor process changes.
What are we doing as part of this project?
Developing knowledge of nutrient bioaccessibility and bioavailability to optimise the nutritional value and technical function of food products. We’re also investigating the effect of processing techniques on the bioavailability of nutrients.
Current status of the project
After focusing on the nutritional and techno-functional properties of whole soft wheat after sprouting or extrusion, we’re now turning our attention to improving the nutritional value of ingredients. This includes starch-based ingredients such as wheat and rice as well as protein-based ingredients such as pulses. We’re focussing on fermentation as biological treatment and high pressure processing as physical treatment. All members are welcome to provide suggestions to help shape the project.

Jan 2019 - Dec 2021
Steering MIG: Cereals, milling and baking
Project outputs
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