Cereals and Cereal Applications Testing (CCAT) methods
Project title: Maintaining the CCAT cereal testing methods
Why are we undertaking this project?
For many years, Campden BRI has maintained a manual of methods for assessment of cereals and cereal products which are widely used in the milling, baking and allied industries as the basis for their analytical testing. The methods are developed, validated and reviewed by a working group of Campden BRI member specialists known as CCAT (Cereals and Cereal Applications Testing) working group. This project supports the work of that group and will introduce several updates and new methods.
Project progress
Bread resilience ring test
A ring test is being planned in May to validate a method for resilience of bread using a Texture Analyser. CCAT method 29 already provides a method for determination of the firmness of bread and cake crumb. The new method will cover a wider range of attributes relating to how bread springs back after compression. Contact Amy Voong if you would like to get involved with supply of bread or to be a participating laboratory.
Review of grain hardness testing methods
Wheat hardness is widely tested by milling companies, typically using a rapid NIR method. The current reference method and the one against which NIR instruments are calibrated is the Single Kernel Characterisation System 4100, covered by CCAT Method 22. The manufacturer, PerkinElmer, has discontinued this instrument, so a review of grain hardness methods is being prepared to help us plan for the future. Please contact Martin Whitworth if you have suggestions for inclusion.
Determination of Ergot Sclerotia
An updated version (V1.2) of CCAT method 30 has just been published (see full list of methods below), and now includes example images to aid identification.
CCAT meetings
CCAT is open to all members of Campden BRI. Please let Martin Whitworth know if you would like to be on the mailing list. Minutes of meetings will be made available on this page. The next meeting will be on 31 October 2022, at Chipping Campden.

Project outputs
Grain quality and safety bulletins

- Previous project phase bulletins:
- GQSB 16 - May 2020
- GQSB 15 - Apr 2020
- GQSB 14 - Mar 2020
- Search all grain quality and safety bulletins
Working group minutes and presentations