- RSci: Applied Chemistry
Latest publications
- Combined phenyl silane and immunoaffinity column cleanup with liquid chromatography for determination of ochratoxin A in roasted coffee: collaborative study. 2001
- Liquid chromatographic method with immunoaffinity column cleanup for determination of ochratoxin A in barley: collaborative study. 2000
- Studies on a toxic metabolite from the mould Wallemia. 1990
- Detection of selected mycotoxins in foods by fluorescence. 1989
Pete has worked at Campden BRI since 2000, where he has worked predominantly in beer and beverage analysis, leading the team.
When joining us back in 2000, Pete already had almost 20 years of experience with analysis of food and drink, including experience in mycotoxins, gamma ray spectroscopy, creation of reference materials for FAPAS and BCR, food grade oil processing, equipment and product evaluation, bioassays for the elucidation of toxic principals, modification and operation of the Pantarota bulk ampouler, radio tracers and preparative HPLC.
Areas of interest
- Beer
- Beer analysis
- Food Safety analysis
- Mycotoxins
- Contaminants
- Chromatography
Specific areas of expertise
- Mycotoxins
- Due diligence analysis
- Chromatography
- Analytical chemistry
Other activities within industry
Part of the Brewing Analytes Proficiency Scheme advisory group.