Christopher James
Safety, Quality and Allergens Specialist
- MIFST: Member of the Institute of Food Science and Technology
- RNutr: Registered Nutritionist
- BSc (Hons): Nutrition Studies
Latest publications
- Evaluation of Food Allergen Information, Labelling and Unintended Food Allergen Presence in Imported Prepacked Foods and Drinks Purchased Online in the UK - Food Control
- Coffee, Tea and Herbals, and Cocoa, Chocolate and Derived Products - Smithers, Encyclopedia of Food Safety
- Tree nuts - Smithers, Encyclopedia of Food Safety
- Update on the Global Prevalence and Severity of Kiwifruit Allergy - IFST
- International Review of the Literature and Guidance on Food Allergen Cleaning - Food Standards Agency
- Edible Algae Allergenicity – a short report - Journal of Applied Phycology
- Food Allergen Management: What to Know About the Codex Code of Practice - World Bakers
Christopher James is a Safety, Quality and Allergens Specialist who uses his knowledge and expertise to manage consultancy and research projects, tutor courses in all areas of food safety and quality management and provide specialist support to clients with substances causing food hypersensitivity (including food allergens). He joined the Global Safety and Quality team at Campden BRI in 2019, after roles in various public health and food organisations, bringing his knowledge of nutrition, health, dietary conditions (including food hypersensitivity), food safety, quality and science.
Christopher has authored peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, guidance and reports on current scientific and industry topics, including collaborating with BRCGS in the development of guidance on ‘Effective Allergen Management’. He graduated from Coventry University with a BSc (Hons) in Nutrition Studies, is a Registered Nutritionist (RNutr) and a Member of the Institute of Food Science and Technology (MIFST). Alongside his current role, he is undertaking a PhD at the University of Nottingham conducting research into current and emergent allergens in food production systems.
Areas of interest
- Food hypersensitivity (including food allergy, coeliac disease and food intolerance) and the risk assessment, management, communication and detection of substances causing these conditions
- Food safety and quality management systems
- Authenticity, food fraud (VACCP) and food defence (TACCP)
- Diet, nutrition and health
- Food production systems
- Food security and sustainability
- Food law, policy, labelling and information
Other activities within industry
Member of the Institute of Food Science and Technology