- BSC: Bacteriology and Virology
Latest publications
- A code of practice for microbiology laboratories handling food, drink and associated samples - Guideline No. 9 (3rd ed)
- Guidelines for establishing the suitability of food microbiology methods - Guideline No. 29
- A code of practice for microbiology laboratories handling food samples - Guideline No. 9 (2nd ed)
- Food for thought “the Campden Laboratory Accreditation Scheme” - Merck Sciential Review. 1995
- The benefits of laboratory accreditation - Food Technology International Europe. 1993
- Accreditation of food laboratories – the assessors visit. Laboratory accreditation for the food industry - Quality Management. 1992
Christina has over 30 years’ experience in interpreting, training, advising on, developing and implementing international and bespoke Laboratory Quality Standards in a wide range of laboratories, both in the UK and overseas. She has a wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise in microbiology/chemistry GLP and laboratory quality systems.
Christina has worked here at Campden BRI since 1984, in various roles – Microbiology Research, Deputy Microbiology Quality Manager, Laboratory Assessor, Campden Laboratory Approval Scheme (CLAS) Manager, Campden BRI Retailer Supplementary Audit (RSA) Scheme Manager, Trainer and Consultant.
Christina has written various laboratory quality standards, developed and run quality standard related training events and, since their inception, has managed the Campden Laboratory Approval Scheme (CLAS) and the Campden BRI Retailer Supplementary Audit (RSA) Scheme, which respectively assess over 100 and 65 laboratories each year.
Areas of interest
Christina’s food and drink industry interests are in promoting and ensuring standards are maintained within laboratories – to enahance the reliability of results generated, to support food safety and quality.
Specific areas of expertise
- Good Laboratory Pratice (GLP) – microbiology/chemistry
- Laboratory quality systems
- Interface with UK stakeholders that require laboratory accreditation/approval as a term of business
- In-depth interpretational knowledge of the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 and other recognised laboratory quality standards (eg CLAS Standard and ISO 9001)
- Laboratory assessor/auditor (CLAS/RSA)
- Laboratory quality system/accreditation consultant
- Laboratory/microbiology quality system trainer
- Independent laboratory audits/evaluations against client specific requirements (eg to help FBOs select a subcontract laboratory and/or troubleshooting audits).
- Writing/contributing to technical publications and presenting quality system related topics at national/international/commercial conferences/seminars/webinars