Product development 03 March 2017 Press Release

Campden BRI release results of food and drink innovation survey

Campden BRI carried out an industry survey to better understand industry's attitudes to innovation.

The key findings are:

Innovation areas

The majority of respondents said they will target innovation on extending their range (63%) and developing entirely new products (62%) over the next two years. Other common drivers of innovation were targeting new markets (50%), reformulating for health (43%) and cost saving (38%).

Planning the innovation pipeline

Over three quarters of respondents (78%) said they meet regularly as a team to discuss their innovation pipeline. Over a third of respondents planned their innovations up to 9 months ahead and slightly more (42%) planned 9-12 months ahead. Less than 20% planned more than one year ahead.

Barriers to innovation

Time (58%) and resource (60%) were the most common barriers to innovation. Almost a quarter of respondents (23%) said facilities were a barrier to innovation and 17% said generating ideas was an issue.

While all those surveyed said their company planned to innovate in at least one area over the next two years, only 28% said it was a top priority. Over half (55%) said innovation was in their company’s top five priorities.

Snap shot of industry

Campden BRI received 126 responses to the innovation survey from a wide range of sectors, including ambient groceries, baked products, beers wines and spirits, prepared convenience foods, and retailers. The responses represent a cross section of industry from multinationals1 (39%) and large companies2 (19%) to medium-sized companies3 (25%), small companies4 (17%) and start-ups (<1%).

With industry, for industry

This survey forms part of Campden BRI's ongoing consultation with its members to ensure its research and services are aligned with the needs of industry.

Notes to editors
1. over 250 employees based in more than one country
2. over 250 employees
3. 50-250 employees
4. 0-49 employees

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