Cyber security in the food industry seminar
High profile cyber attacks occurred across a variety of sectors in 2017. The NHS was a notable victim in May. The food industry has not avoided the attacks - some big names were hit in the second wave of Ransomware attacks in June. The British Standards Institution and Food Standards Agency has recently updated the PAS:96 Guide to protecting and defending food and drink from deliberate attack. This fourth edition is the first to include cyber crime as a potential threat to food security.
A Campden BRI seminar, on 27 February 2018, will help inform the food industry about the threats and challenges to cyber security faced by the food industry. It will also identify industry’s potential vulnerabilities. It will cover:
- Updates in the 4th edition of PAS:96 guide
- Guidelines on best practice from the National Cyber Security Centre
- Retailer and Standards requirements for food fraud and food defence and how industry can meet them
- Government views and Defra’s response
- Industry perspectives
The seminar will be of interest to senior management, technical and quality managers, those responsible for QMS and IT Managers.
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