- PhD: Application of High Resolution Moire Photography to Dynamic Fracture Studies
- MA: Natural Sciences (Physics)
- Honorary Associate Professor: University of Nottingham
- City and Guilds: Advanced Flour Milling
Latest publications
- The future of wheat hardness testing - R&D 487
- Structure and texture of bread and aerated chocolate - R&D 477
- Evaluation of methods for batter viscosity measurement - R&D 473
- Prediction of coffee aroma from single roasted coffee beans by hyperspectral imaging - Food Chemistry. 2021
- Total lipid prediction in single intact cocoa beans by hyperspectral chemical imaging - Food Chemistry. 2021
- Finite element modelling and simulation in the food industry - R&D 460
- Variability of single bean coffee volatile compounds of Arabica and robusta roasted coffees analysed by SPME-GC-MS - Food Research International. 2018
- Review of the Food Radar system for online detection of foreign bodies - R&D 412
- Hyperspectral imaging for non-destructive prediction of fermentation index, polyphenol content and antioxidant activity in single cocoa beans - Food Chemistry. 2018
- Near-Infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging for non-destructive quality assessment of cereal grains - Applied Spectroscopy. 2018
Martin has worked at Campden BRI and its predecessors since 1992. He has an MA and PhD in physics from Cambridge University, and an impressive number of food research publications from his time with us. He currently provides support and peer review for our research programme.
Martin specialises in physical characterisation of food products and ingredients including colour, structure and texture, with particular expertise in the application of imaging techniques and digital image analysis.
Martin has experience in cereal science and technology. He is a leading expert on bubble structure of doughs and baked products. He established our imaging laboratory, now part of our Food and Drink Microstructure team, which includes DigiEye colour imaging, hyperspectral NIR imaging and X-ray micro CT. He was the inventor of the C-Cell instrument for measurement of bread quality, and pioneered the use of X-ray tomography to study bread and cake structure during baking. He also carried out the initial research that led to the Branscan and Fluoroscan instruments for flour quality analysis.
Areas of interest
- Wheat
- Flour
- Cereals
- Baking
- Dough
- Image analysis
- Hyperspectral imaging
- Colour measurement
- Texture
- Sensors
Other activities within industry
Martin is a member of the Institute of Physics, is a Chartered Physicist and an honorary Associate Professor in the University of Nottingham School of Biosciences.
He is on the IOP Food Physics Group committee and the ProFSET (Professional Food Science, Technology and Engineering Group – representing members of scientific, engineering and technical bodies in food and drink) committee.