TACCP guidance
Threat Assessment and Critical Control Point (TACCP) helps food producers identify weak points in their supply chain and processing activities that may be vulnerable to fraud. It then helps the business minimise the chances of such an attack.
The British Retail Consortium Global Standard for Food Safety, issue 7 requires businesses to carry out a documented Vulnerability Assessment on all raw materials used. BRC certificated food producers need to have implemented the assessment, or risk failing the certification process. Companies should not wait until just before their audit to implement a system, because it involves a lot of extra considerations, which require looking at processes and the supply chain quite differently. This is becoming an absolute requirement of both food certification bodies and food retailers. Those suppying food in the UK and beyond are going to have to comply and implement some form of TACCP.
TACCP (Threat Assessment and Critical Control Point): a practical guide, Guideline G72, published in 2014 reflects the principles and practices of TACCP, and other methods employed in the assurance of food and drink safety and security.
Contact: Richard Leathers
+44(0)1386 842105