Food law at your fingertips From September 2011 newsletter

Food law at your fingertips

Get on–line access to current UK and EU food law
Written by our expert and highly-experienced Food Law Advisers, in the same easy-to-read style as the printed version, our new electronic Food Law Notes (eFLaN) will:

For over 13 years Campden BRI's Food Law Notes has provided hundreds of readers with an inexpensive, fast and reliable way of finding readily-understandable information about the detailed UK and European legislation that controls food production and marketing. Now the new web-based format (eFLaN) will provide internet access to the legislation that is described, and to related guidance documents.

For a free trial, or to take out an annual subscription, which will cover all employees at your company, go to

Contact: Alison Sharper
+44(0)1386 842282

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