Dancing to a different beat
Our colleagues in Hungary are currently involved in the SALSA project, "Eco-challenges in the food chain of the Latin American region", financed by the EC (FP 7, KBBE-2010.2.5-02, Project reference: 265927). Its overall objective is to help Latin American countries with the environmental challenges (deforestation, CO2 emissions, reduced biodiversity, water-airsoil pollution, reduction in food security) they face related to farm production and food chain relationships with the EU, and enhance added value and competitiveness within the food chain.
Its specific tasks are to:
- Increase the Latin America and EU food chain´s social, environmental and economic sustainability
- Improve access of SMEs and small agro-food producers to local and EU sustainable food export markets
- Enhance the food chain's agents´ relationship efficiency, both in terms of knowledge exchange and efficient trading relations, in Latin America and the EU
- Promote quality and quantity of information to EU and Latin American policy makers, support education and raise awareness of the need for an effective food policy oriented to sustainability
- Promote the quality and quantity of information to EU and Latin American consumers and raise the awareness of the impact of sustainable food production and consumption on their living conditions
Project Coordinator: Prof. Cesare Zanasi, Bologna University, UNIBO, Italy Project date: 1 May 2011 - 1 May 2014.
Contact: Adrienn Hegyi
+44(0)1386 842079