How risky are your raw materials?
Most food raw materials have potential hazards associated with
them – be they chemical, microbiological or physical. But some
hazards are a greater risk to the final product than others. How
do food manufacturers and processors objectively decide which
hazards need specific attention? To help answer this question, we
have published new guidance on raw material risk assessment.
Risk assessment and management of raw materials (Guideline 65)
provides specific guidance on the application of risk assessment
techniques to identify, evaluate and control hazards associated
with raw materials in a food, drink or feed manufacturing
environment.The guidance will be of most use to companies
looking to develop or update a procedure for raw material
assessment, giving them more confidence in the food safety
management procedures they have in place.
The guidance is relevant to both large and small businesses, the
approach for each being the same, although the level of
complexity, associated procedures and documentation would be
significantly different.
Contact: Carol Newman
+44(0)1386 842048