Making sure your meat looks good
State–of–the–art digital colour imaging is helping our clients to
ensure that their meat products are attractive and appealing to the
consumer. The DigiEye system captures consistent images with
precision, providing a faithful reproduction of the original product
Visual appearance is very important in the quality assessment of
meat and poultry products. An unacceptable colour or the
presence of specific defects may lead to rejection by the consumer,
resulting in loss of revenue and an increase in waste.
As an example of its usefulness, a workshop was set up at
Campden BRI between a retailer and all of their poultry suppliers.
Each product was assessed in turn to establish tolerance limits of
acceptable and non-acceptable visual quality characteristics, which
both the retailers and their suppliers agreed to. These images
were captured by the DigiEye colour imaging system and a
complete set of customised specifications was prepared for the
suppliers to work to.
Measurement of colour
As well as the ability to accurately and reproducibly capture
images, the DigiEye can also be used to describe the variations in
colour of a product. This means, for example, that the visual
appearance of streaks of fat in lean meat, or of colour change from
one part of the meat piece to another can be precisely analysed.
Contact: Liz Mulvey
+44(0)1386 842122