Training From April 2015 newsletter

Log your CPD - easily

Many organisations run training courses that you can log as part of your Continuous Professional Development (CPD) - but CPD is much more than this, and we can provide other facets that standard training organisations miss out on. James Allen explains:

"Every delegate who books a place on a Campden BRI course, conference or seminar receives a free two year subscription to MyCPD - an online CPD management system developed by the Institute of Food Science and Technology. MyCPD provides an online facility to maintain details of your personal development plan, your planned development activities, and records of your completed development, whether this is a formal training course or more informal, self-directed learning. This helps ensure that you keep up-to-date with your record keeping, alerting you when you need to update your records following a learning activity.

And we provide a wide range of experiences to enhance your professional development. As well as running courses covering the full spectrum of food and drink science and technology, many structured from 'starter' level through to 'advanced' level, we can help you broaden your horizons by attendance at our Member Interest Groups. Here you can liaise with peer groups and learn about the latest development in your particular field.

At the corporate level, we work with businesses to provide tailored, on-site training designed to meet the specific needs of staff. In essence we help companies come up with a training plan. And we can take it a stage further, to provide a Training Academy - a suite of training courses which together fulfil the overall needs of employees."

Contact: James Allen
+44(0)1386 842065

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