Industry needs science and technology
Through 2017 we held an extensive consultation with our members about industry needs that can be met through innovation in science and technology. The consultation spanned ‘pre-farm to post-fork’, so many needs were identified. Themes from previous needs consultations reoccurred but new needs also emerged.
Commonly expressed needs
Needs that were more prominent than in the previous consultations, included:
- Sustaining product quality in the face of rising costs of operations and materials
- Soil health - recognition of soil as a resource and methods for its protection
- Human microbiota - understanding and harnessing the role of gut microbes in diet-related health conditions
- Anti-microbial resistance - addressing its significance for the food and drink sector
- Artificial intelligence (AI) and cyber-security - managing the benefits and risks of the ‘connected world’ (e.g. Internet of Things, ’Big Data’, and machine learning)
Long-standing needs that are common to different parts of the supply chain, include:
- Assuring product safety through systems and analytical tools
- Encouraging consumer well-being through healthy diets
- Protecting consumers and industry from food fraud
- Encouraging sustainable practices, reduced use of resources and adding value to waste
- Tackling industry’s ´skills shortage´
The Brexit effect
Whilst Brexit does not represent a scientific need, some of its consequences will be addressed through science and technology. It featured in many of the discussions with UK and EU member companies - in particular, around research funding, regulatory change and uncertainty, potential changes to labour, and impact on costs of food ingredients, raw materials, packaging and distribution.
With industry, for industry
Understanding what you need from science and technology shapes the support we provide - services, research and innovation - and helps us to communicate your needs to Government, funding bodies and other providers such as universities and research organisations. Every three years we consult extensively with you, our members, about your scientific and technical needs. We consulted through our fourteen member interest groups (MIGs) with 29 industrial meetings and over 600 face to face consultations. We also surveyed 2,400 companies in 75 countries, and received additional written submissions. How do we address the needs?
The needs identified are addressed in various ways, including:
- Our member-funded pre-competitive research programme (see right) and tailored, company-specific innovation projects
- Tailoring of the scientific, technical and knowledge based services we offer
- Providing technical support and aiding innovation to the supply chain through third party collaboration globally, with member companies, universities and the wider research community
- Stimulating application of science and technology in food and drink by promoting industry needs to government departments, funding bodies, standards organisations and other third parties
- Supporting future industrialists
Download a copy of Scientific and Technical Needs of the Food and Drink Supply Chain
Contact: Leighton Jones
+44(0)1386 842018