EU organic farming training From December 2013 newsletter

EU organic farming training

Following a recent successful bid to the EU, we have been selected to join the tutor team in a new European training project on organic farming and food legislation. This two year programme is part of the Better Training for Safer Food initiative, and will provide competent authorities in the EU Member States with training in legislation and control of organic farming and food production. The training is designed to keep those involved in control activities up to date in all aspects of the EU organic sector and will ensure more consistent and rigorous implementation of legislation across the EU. We are part of an international tutor group, delivering the comprehensive 4 day training course. The ten training sessions began in Warsaw, Poland in October 2013 with over 30 delegates from across the EU in attendance. Training will continue during 2014 and 2015 in the UK, Poland and Bulgaria.

Contact: Richard Stanley
+44(0)1386 842004

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