Consumer facilities at Leamington Spa
Our new Consumer Centre at Leamington Spa has been in extensive use since we opened in late 2015. More recently clients have been hiring the facility as a venue to convene consumer focus groups and depth interviews. The centre is an ideal venue for both qualitative and quantitative consumer research, and provides an excellent space for activities such as cocreation and ideation sessions, recruitment interviews, team and business meetings, and training.
Services at the Centre include consumer recruitment, provision of moderators, full AV recording along with transcription and translation services, office support, and catering.
The central location within Leamington Spa along with good parking close-by and close proximity to rail, road and air links make it an easy venue to get to.
Contact us if you would to make use of it, or if you want any help with your consumer research needs.
Contact: Dave Cole
+44(0)1386 842205