HACCP for composting and anaerobic digestion
Composting and anaerobic digestion are an integral part of
primary production and waste management, for example
in the production of crop growth substrates and soil
conditioners, and in energy production. The raw materials
are obtained from agricultural, domestic and food business
sources. Food safety and health requirements have to be
ensured in these production operations. Legislation lays
down minimum requirements, for example in food hygiene
and the use of animal by-products, and operators take
measures and adopt practices to ensure a high level of
Recognised safety management systems based on a
HACCP approach are a requirement of legislation or
recommended in voluntary codes of practice. We have
undertaken tailored training and assisted in the verification
of HACCP systems in this sector. The common sense
approach to assuring safety, embodied in the Codex
principles of HACCP, is explained in the training with the
use of specific case studies based on typical processes. If
you need advice on composting and waste management,
get in touch.
Contact: Chris Knight
+44(0)1386 842012