Rapid microbiological methods catalogued
To help food microbiologists identify and exploit new rapid
analytical methods for foodborne micro-organisms, we have
produced a new edition of the Catalogue of Rapid
Microbiological Methods. Updated and simplified, the seventh
edition lists over 400 test kits from around 50 manufacturers
used in the detection, confirmation and enumeration of microorganisms
found in food.
The new review covers pathogens of interest to the agri-food
chain (e.g. Salmonella, Listeria, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia
coli and Cryptosporidium), spoilage organisms (e.g. yeasts) and
hygiene testing. In simple tabular form it provides information
at-a-glance on what kits are available from which companies
and for what micro-organisms.
Contact: Kristina Booker
+44(0)1386 842048