Analysis From March 2020

Ambassador’s Q&A: Roy Betts: microbiology expert

Having appointed four of our senior staff into ambassadorial roles, we’re picking the brains of one of them, each month, to reveal what they’ll be getting up to in their new post. Last month we heard from Gary Tucker, our new technical development ambassador. This month it’s Roy’s turn.

Roy is a recognised food microbiology expert who has travelled the world as a key speaker at events. Since joining Campden BRI in 1984, he’s spent a large portion of his career as the head of microbiology. As our new microbiology ambassador, what does he have to say?

What will your new role allow you to do?

I’ll be able to spend more time engaging with our members and clients to deepen my understanding of their needs. In the short term, I’ll be able to apply my knowledge to help them. Longer-term, I can report these needs back to our technical teams at Campden BRI, further fine-tuning our research work.

What are you looking forward to working on?

I’m really looking forward to forging closer contacts with the industry and spending far more time meeting and talking with them, gaining a greater understanding of what they find to be real issues. I’m also eager to use microbiological horizon scanning to keep them focused on possible future hazards and risks.

What does the future hold for the industry?

I think that the constant drive towards products that use novel ingredients, ingredients which are less highly processed, clean label and those lower in salt, sugar and fat shows how the industry is moving forwards to supply consumers with healthy and nutritious food products. However, as new products reach the market, we must remain vigilant of any potential microbiological hazards that these new reformulations may bring.

Contact: Roy Betts
+44(0)1386 842075

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