Setting food and drink shelf-life in the GCC region: Understanding, extending and validating the shelf-life of your products
Manufacturers encounter various complexities in adhering to shelf-life regulations in the Gulf Cooperation Council region, namely the mandatory nature of the Gulf Standardisation Organisation (GSO) standards, which set mandatory expiration periods for various categories of food products, and the GCC's extreme temperatures and high humidity.
As thought leaders in the food and drink industry, we have produced this Shelf-life eBook to provide support for food and drink manufacturers whose products are produced in, or exported to, the GCC region.
We deliver comprehensive guidance on GSO standards, craft tailored solutions to align product shelf-life with regulatory demands, and provide expert support in all areas of shelf-life evaluation, maximisation and extension. We are also best placed to help collate the scientific evidence required to support an application for a longer product shelf-life than that set out in the GSO standards.