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Alerts and updates

Food Law Alert

Food Law Alert is a Campden BRI member service providing prompt and succinct news of developments in UK and EU food law. It is made available to subscribers every fortnight.

Library catalogue

Search all book stock held by Chipping Campden site library. This includes scientific and technical books dating. Texts can be borrowed.

Research projects

Campden BRI runs a research programme funded from multiple channels, including government grants and any other relevant source of funds.

Member Interest Group (MIG) presentations

Members have access to copies of presentations delivered at our Member Interest Group (MIG) meetings, these include updates on regulatory affairs and topical presentations from guest speakers.

R&D reports

The output from Campden BRI's research programme is published through a series of R&D reports. The reports arising from projects funded by Campden BRI's members are available only to members, while those arising from projects funded by government and other agencies are available to all.

Regulatory updates

All members have access to our range of regulatory updates. Monthly issues cover Beer and malt, Cereals and Wine. Beer and malt update, Cereals update and Wine update.

Research summary sheets

Research summary sheets (RSSs) provide concise overviews of individual R&D projects. They enable members to rapidly identify the developments of most interest to them.


Free short enquiries

Short enquiries (ie: enquiries that we can respond to in about 20 minutes) whether they be Technical, Scientific or Regulatory, are free of charge for members and are unrestricted, as long as they are on un-related matters.


Brewing literature

Literature database for brewing, malting and wine making.

Contact membership team:

For any query relating to your account or membership, or to enquire whether you are members.

+44(0)1386 842186

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